Automation Showdown: IFTTT vs Zapier vs Microsoft Flow

Connecting all the webapps and services you use and making them work together for you is all the rage, but the two established services for doing so, IFTTT and Zapier, are now joined by a new heavyweight: Microsoft Flow. It’s time to compare these three powerful options to see which is the best, and for whom. Source: Automation Showdown: IFTTT vs Zapier vs Microsoft Flow

@Buzzsumo may be the best content marketing tool you’ve never used

Matthew Barby, a Digital Marketing Expert at Hubspot writes:

BuzzSumo has to be the most important tool that I use for my content marketing and SEO campaigns. The ability to quickly identify what content is working well in an industry and who the major influencers are. For me, no tool comes close to providing the kind of insight that BuzzSumo gives.

Source: BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers

Here’s a playlist of the best Buzzsumo videos I could find…

Close Your Tabs

If you use the internet with any regularity, or, bless your soul, use it for a living, you’re familiar with the initial stages of this disease. Open browser of your choice and pop open a tab. Navigate to some good Content. Click hyperlink from there and watch as new tab opens. Hit an unfamiliar reference in that page and pop open a search in new tab. Iterate this process in tab after tab. For a while you might feel bloated with excess, but as you complete tasks, you expel. By day’s end you’ve exhausted all the professional and procrastination material at hand, and you lay waste to tabs, to entire windows of clustered tabs. You end your day feeling nourished by Content but also clean and renewed, like an e-Marie Kondo uncluttering the browser, which is the mind. Maybe you have an herbal tea. Source: Close Your Tabs

If you need to keep those tabs open, however, use a tool like OneTab or Great Suspender, both for Chrome. These extensions will mitigate the impact of Chrome on your computer…

What is the best curation tool?

Could it be possible that the best universal curation tool is Press This from WordPress?
Wordpress sharing
When you consider the sharing functionality of the Publicize feature, it is not only possible but in fact, it is probable…

The 45 Best Blogging Tools to Skyrocket Traffic

Writing great posts doesn’t guarantee you a successful blog. It’s obviously important to continue improving your writing. But truly successful blogging means you also need to dedicate time to things like: Keyword research Sourcing images Creating graphics Optimizing your website Creating email campaigns Getting active on social media That’s a long list! Thankfully, there are …

Get a great list of tools from Neil Patel here: The 45 Best Blogging Tools to Skyrocket Traffic

My small circle…

At the end of the day, these are the only entities I follow in Google+…


I used to follow a top 150, but since the notifications menu was broken 3 months ago, I limit myself to these people/pages. I trust David, Monika and Steve to lead me to great Google+ thinking. In the meantime, I’m focusing more on Twitter these days. Follow me at @toddlohenry

Rethinking Google+

I’ve been a big fan of Plus for over 3 years but I’m experiencing mounting frustration that shows no signs of going away. Watch this…

@buffer is better than WordPress’ publicize feature


While it’s tempting to use WordPress’ publicize feature to automatically post my content to social media, I find that Buffer is better because it does a better job of passing off images to Facebook in particular. Take a look…

Facebook results of a meme posted via WordPress publicize

Now compare this…

Facebook results using Buffer

Clearly, the second post is better because it’s not cropped…

Another reason to use Buffer? The analytics of the content you share are much easier to access as well. Here’s a link to every post I’ve ever done on Buffer. Use it! You can thank me later…

Must Have SEO Toolbars and How to Use Them

I love it when I tool I have used for years makes the top of the list!

This toolset collects and shows you open data about a website you’re on. It looks a bit outdated, yet you can get a general idea from it about the state of a website. As a website owner, you can check out the kind of links there are on a website, the site’s approximate page load speed, regular on-page SEO info, and some traffic stats. But upon testing, I noticed that quite a few of the metrics of Open SEO Stats are off. For example, the toolbar shows incorrect pagespeed and Alexa’s traffic stats, which aren’t as accurate as, say, SimilarWeb’s.

Source: Must Have SEO Toolbars and How to Use Them

Here’s my main reason for using one of these toolbars — it helps assure me that I’m not viewing ‘fake news’ and that the site I am viewing has authority and can be trusted and curated. I have used OpenStats for years but just recently switched to SEMRush…

More reasons why I love Buffer


I am going to make a very strong statement here but it’s one I feel very comfortable in making. If I could only use one tool for social media sharing and analytics, it would be Buffer. Buffer meets all my requirements for a recommended application and it delivers time and again.

recommended-application-criteriaI think the single most important issue in social media for many people may be how do I add social media to my already overflowing plate and still get home for supper. Many of us do social media in addition to some other job end some of us never wanted to engage in social media in the first place but we must to benefit our organization. Therefore, buffer is recommended by Einstein’s razor. It makes the social media process as simple as possible but no simpler…

Take a moment to watch this brief overview of the features I think are relevant and follow the links at the bottom of the post to other articles have written about buffer in the past and then ask me any questions you might have in the comments.

Other Buffer posts…

One of the biggest problems with content marketing is the computer itself


One of the biggest problems with content marketing is the computer itself. how are you going to create great content you can’t rely on your platform? For that reason I rely on AVG PC Tune Up — and have for years — long before it was acquired by AVG.

AVG PC Tune Up works silently in the background to keep your computer running as well as it can. It does this without sucking the life out of your computer like some other products do. Many people don’t realize that the best day with a computer is the first day and unless you maintain it everyday will be worse than the last until you can’t stand how slow your computer has become or how up and it crashes and go out and buy a new one. My workstation is 7 years old and it still performs at an optimal level. One of the main reasons why is that I trust AVG PC Tune Up to keep things running well.

If you’re trying to create great content but your computer keeps crashing or has become so slow it’s unusable give this jewel a try!

47 Free SEO Tools That You Need in 2017

My system found another great resource and rising star this morning — Kuldeep Bisht. Check out this great list of tools he compiled.

These SEO tools will help you to save your time and provide you the best SEO metrics that you can use to make an effective marketing strategy. And the best part of it is, most of them are free to use.I have personally tested and used these tools and worked great for me.Search Engines are getting smarter day by day. And, these SEO tools will be very handy in 2017 as well.

Source: 47 Free SEO Tools That You Need in 2017 | Kuldeep Bisht

I think the most intriguing is ‘Answer the Public’. What about you?

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